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Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. I want to give you examples of how I am doing it through weekly updates, and I am hoping some of you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas too.

So, here we go! I hope this helps and inspires all of you!

In my life this week...
snowing...again...But, I will say, it was nice to have a few sunny warm days. I developed a deep love for the sun room in our new home. I haven't spent much time there this winter, since it wasn't heated. But now that it is warmer out, I LOVE to sit in there with the windows open, listening to the peaceful nature sounds, smelling the sweet breezes of Spring and enjoying the warm sunshine on my toes.

I am inspired by...
my husband, who has been working his butt off to help make some home improvements in our new home, working many long hours at work, and still waking up early to write his book. Besides all that, he is still very patient, loving and gentle with me and the kids. You're the best, honey!
My favorite thing this week was...
meeting a new mom friend at the park! We live similar lives with our three kids at similar ages, both having moved here recently, being from large families, both Christian moms trying to get through each day doing our best. It was so great to meet someone who can relate so well with me!

What's working/not working for me...
Working - getting some projects done on our house that we have been meaning to do. We are hosting a small group Bible study at our house this weekend, and I wanted to get some things done in time. That always motivates!

Not working - my kids are not at their best - perhaps it is the cold, snowy weather still hanging on into May or maybe my littlest one, Brynn and her teething. Maybe it is just feeling a little extra stress in the house...

Questions/thoughts I have...
When will it be Spring????

Things I'm working on...
getting our sun room to look the way I want it to...trying to help my baby with her teething pain, doing yard work when it isn't snowing, and trying to come up with some new meals.

I'm reading...
A Time to Laugh, A Time to Cry by Bonnie Wasser, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, and Baby, It's Cold Outside by Susan May Warren

I'm cooking...
Sweet Potato and Avocado Quesadillas, Cauliflower "Fried Rice",

I'm grateful for...
my three healthy children, a loving, hard-working husband, a warm house, and I am so grateful that we finally got a renter for our condo, so we don't have to pay 2 mortgages!!!! Thank you, God!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

I love this quote! So good!!!!
 Stay Motivated. #BiggestLoser


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