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Friday, July 27, 2012

Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer Review and Giveaway

There are a bunch of different thermometers out there that you can use to help decide if your child is sick or not. If your children are like most, they probably don't like having their temperature taken, especially when they are not feeling the best. Plus, when you have a little newborn or young baby, they are even harder to get an accurate reading from.

My new favorite thermometer is the brand new Vicks Behind Ear thermometer. This is the first thermometer to take rapid, non-invasive, 1-second measurements from behind the ear. One second! Can you believe that? The last thermometer that we used took several seconds and you had to slide it across their forehead. I had to do it several times to even get a good reading, because they didn't hold their head still.

no previewWith this Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer, it only takes one second, and I get a reading before they even know what I am doing. You just touch the thermometer to the hollow spot behind their ear for one second, and there you have it! And you can trust that you are getting an accurate reading, since this method of temperature-taking is proven based on professional standards.

Plus, thanks to their Fever InSight technology, you can tell how serious of a fever your child really has. If the screen is green, it means no fever. If it is yellow, it is a slightly elevated temp. If it is red, it signals a fever. So easy to use and understand!

You will love how easy this thermometer is to use and how accurate and helpful it will be when you are feeling uncertain about your child's health. That can be a nerve-wrecking time, and you certainly don't need to get frustrated by a thermometer. With the Vicks Behind Ear thermometer, you can make the right decisions for your child after the fast and easy temperature reading.

Find this thermometer online or at a store near you!

Today, we are offering (1) winner the chance to win their very own Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer! This giveaway is only open to US residents. Enter below for your chance!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.


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