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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Weight Loss Story To Inspire!

I want to share this healthy story of weight loss with all of you to help inspire and get everyone excited to live healthier! I am starting a new fitness session with all my fitness clients this month called Bootcamp. We are going to work hard at getting in even better shape, keeping food journals, learning more about nutrition and supplementation, and easing stress and sleeping more. Sounds like a lot, but it is a recipe for great health! I hope this story of Bernie inspires you and my fitness classes!

"I was wearing a size 16 jeans, now I'm a size 8!" says Bernie, a nurse who knows the importance of health, a total of 24 inches and 30 pounds healthier.
Losing weight had always been difficult for Bernie, and became even more difficult as the years passed. She also had a serious sweet tooth to conquer. But when she heard about the lineup of Cinch products and success stories from a friend, she knew she had to give it a try.

"I thought, that's the ticket," says Bernie. "So I got the Starter Kit and was excited to get on the plan." Fortunately, Bernie already had healthy eating habits in place. "I love salad, fresh vegetables and fruit," says Bernie. "Plus fish--especially salmon--and chicken were often on our table."

As a hospice nurse, Bernie spends a lot of time in her car. No fast food snacks for her, though. She keeps a cooler stocked with fresh veggies and fruits. And since she has been on the Cinch plan, her sweet tooth no longer tempts her. "At our nurses meetings, there are usually all kinds of cookies and candy, but nowadays I just tell people no thanks--that's not my food."

Exercise is an all-important part of Bernie's day, and she's been walking an hour four mornings a week with her neighbor for quite a few years. Now with her newfound energy, the walks are even more rewarding. Bernie wears her pedometer faithfully and pushes herself to make the 10,000 steps a day goal. "If I haven't reached 10,000 steps by bedtime, I step in place by the bed until I get there," laughs Bernie. "And I take my son's dog Ace for regular walks now. Ace is an English Setter who likes lots of exercise."

Helping other people is important to Bernie, so she feels good about sharing her plan and her success tips with others. "The Cinch plan is fun and easy to follow. I love to help others discover it. I encourage them to just follow the plan, do the 10,000 steps a day, and get a buddy to do the program with them. It's such a great feeling to help other people--I love it," says Bernie.

Bernie's success has been filled with rewards on many levels. "Wow, I do get lots of compliments," she says. "I'm so happy to get into my size 8 clothes!" And the fashion timing is perfect, as Bernie will be spending two weeks in Rome with her daughter, who is studying architecture there.

Congratulations to you, Bernie!

If you want more information on the Cinch program, check out

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