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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Exciting News!

Good Morning Everyone!!

This morning I have given myself the go ahead to make my exciting news public on my blog!

I AM PREGNANT!! This is my 2nd little darling baby, and I feel so blessed and cannot wait to hold my new little baby in my arms.

I am at 11 weeks right now, due December 3rd, and I gotta tell you - I am feeling pretty sick and pretty much like a lump on a log. I am usually very active and always on the go, but since about week 7 or so, I have to drag myself to go teach all my fitness classes, tie a bandana around my nose to make dinner, and take little breaks while I am vacuuming. I feel sick as a dog for half of the day, and I have to pop several ginger candies into my mouth while grocery shopping so I don't puke.

My midwife says eat lots of protein often and take an extra B complex. Some days I think it helps, others I am not so sure.

So, if anyone has any tips for me on the nausea, I am willing to try pretty much anything at this point. Thank you in advance!

There will be several more baby and children's products that I will be reviewing and giving away in the future, as well as others, so stay tuned all you parents and grandparents!

This picture here at the end is a reminder of my former energetic self. RIP! He, he.


  1. Congratulations!! Wonderful news!

  2. Congratulations on your new baby and on this award I am giving you!

    I've given you an award on my blog! Congratulations! Come check it out and pass it on!

    Check it out here:
    The Hardest Job on Earth

  3. Congratulations! I hope you feel better and get some energy back soon. :)

  4. Congrats!i'm so happy for you!!

  5. congrats!! vitamin b6 and unisom help many for nausea (not me but i get full on sick thru 20+WEEKS)

    my prenatals that i still take are rainbow light- vegan, but also have ingredients to calm the stomach. it might help a bit.


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