Friday, March 1, 2013

Take Charge of Eating Tip #5

Tip #5 in our journey is...

#5 - Nourishment is not just what you put in your mouth. We create health daily not just by eating well but by maintaining balance in our work, exercise, relationships, play, rest, and spiritual practice.

 I have really been feeling the effects of an unbalanced life. I couldn't quite put my finger on what was bothering me so severely, but now that I write this, I know this is it! Something(s) in my life are unbalanced, and I need to figure out how to get it all back in check. Hmmmm...easier said than done. But, I will attest to the fact that this imbalance in my life is having a very negative effect, so this is definitely a hugely important tip today. Would love your thoughts on this!

 (If you missed my post about why or how we are doing this Take Charge of Eating challenge, check it out before you join us)


  1. I totally believe this tip ... and I see it in my own life. When I take the time to create that balance, I feel good both physically and mentally ... and, of course, when I don't, I feel poorly. The part that I don't really understand is why my brain fights it so much. For example, we love to go walking along the river and we've never, ever had a bad time walking. In fact, we usually feel so refreshed. So why does my brain find so many reasons not to go? That's the mystery! It's also why, for me, it is truly easier said than done!

    1. Gosh, if I only understood my brain too! There are just so many layers....Keep up that walk, though. The way you describe it makes me want to go with you!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your thoughts and tips are what make this blog shine!