Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. I want to give you examples of how I am doing it through weekly updates, and I am hoping some of you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas too.

So, here we go! I hope this helps and inspires all of you!

In my life this week...
It has not been a great week. Let's just say that. Nothing major has happened, which leads me to my mantra for this week, "If this is as bad as my day gets, I have had a pretty good day." However, no matter how positive I try to stay, I have had a lingering anxious, stressed out, slightly depressed feeling this week. Staying cooped up inside with my 3 kids for 12+ hour days with little to no adult interaction is starting to get to me. Enough said.

I am inspired by...
all the moms/dads out there who stay at home with their children and are able to maintain some sense of themselves as adults. I am struggling with that, despite my jobs as personal trainer, fitness instructor, and blogger. I don't know what is up with me this week...I just feel like I am unfulfilled, like I am not making a difference.

My favorite thing this week was...
kicking my workouts butts all week long.

What's working/not working for me...
Working - my new sticker chart for my 2 yr. old daughter. I was doing a smiley face system where she had to get 4 smilies daily to get a special treat. But, she didn't reach that quota very often, while my 4 year old son was able to get his almost daily. So, I started a sticker chart with her where whenever she reaches 10 stickers, no matter how many days it takes her to get them, then she gets her special treat. Seems to be working well so far!

Not working - obviously, my attitude.

Questions/thoughts I have...
When will things get a little less hectic in my household? Was it intelligent to have three kids so close in age? 

Things I'm working on...
saving a little sanity for when my husband comes home at night, trying to feel a little more like the woman I am, and trying to cut myself some slack on being "the perfect mother."

I'm reading...
Harry Potter - the 6th book. Unglued by Lysa TerkHurst, and I started a new parenting book, Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel

I'm cooking...
Italian Chicken Crockpot Soup, Paleo Peanut Butter Choc. Chip Cookies, Crockpot Meatballs, Chili, and Shrimp Salad.

I'm grateful for...
my healthy family, awesome fiction books to give you a break from reality here and then, a strong, healthy body, and a God who never gives up on me.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

I have needed to remind myself of this all week long. Hope it inspires you as it has inspired me!
 Very true


  1. Parenthood is the hardest job out there when you try to do it right. There are no real breaks. We were married for at least 15 years before we had a night away from the children. We were military and moved around. Family was far away and there was seldom anyone we could trust the children with, especially the youngest.
    Yes, you have your classes, and they are for you, but they are work. You need something frivolous for yourself that has nothing to do with the children or your job. I can remember times when I just felt so alone. I had a wonderful husband, great kids (most of the time), was an active volunteer, but I felt empty. I think for most moms that is a problem. You have a life, but it is centered on others with pieces of you squeezed in when you can. Most of the time, it works. However, there are times when it is not enough. Take a few hours for yourself. Have a massage, a manicure or pedicure, change your hair style, attend a class you have been interested in, start a new hobby. As long as it is something you don't usually do and it is just for you, go for it. Don't feel guilty (moms are bad about that), you work hard and deserve it. It will do you and your attitude a world of good.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Your words meant a lot to me, and I look up to you as another great mom who has great wisdom to share!

      I agree that I need time for myself. It is tricky to find some, but it is a MUST. I am thinking of getting a new hairstyle to change things up and keep my life from feeling like a revolving door.

      I can't be my best for my kids if I am dragging and feeling not like myself.

      Thanks again for reminding me and inspiring me!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your thoughts and tips are what make this blog shine!