Saturday, March 2, 2013

NutriDiet Review and Giveaway

Years and years of yo-yo dieting and fluctuating waistlines have left Americans feeling frustrated, and unfortunately unhealthier then ever. The scientists of Kowa Healthcare America have unveiled a new product, NutriDiet, to help people get back on track and maintain healthy lives.

So often, people wonder why they cannot lose weight and keep it off. However, in comparison to the typical Japanese diet, Americans eat a lot of protein and fat and very little fiber. This has led to the increase of waistlines and rise of obesity levels in the US. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need to supplement, but based on what our health is and where our food comes from these days, I believe strongly in supplementation.

NutriDiet is a unique supplement, because it has three key components that I know are great for you - probiotics---good bacteria, prebiotics---nutrients for the probiotics and catechins---polyphenols and antioxidants found in green tea, help to promote intestinal health, while assisting in burning fat to create a healthy weight balance. It sounds like a great combo to me!

While I searched left and right to try to see if this product was bogus and another one of those "quick fixes" for people trying to lose weight, I didn't find it. Instead, I found a pretty sound product from a company with over 100 years experience bringing great products to the Japanese people. Their products are manufactured from natural ingredients, many cultivated using organic farming methods, mostly in Japan, and are free of artificial flavors, preservatives, and alcohol. These were both big thumbs up for me!

My only downside to this product is that you do have to take 7 tablets every day with food. Since I am already on a good supplement program, I wasn't super excited about adding 7 more pills to my daily routine. But, on the positive side, these tablets are quite small and can be easily swallowed with water.

NutriDiet makes sense to me, and I think that you can't really go wrong by adding more prebiotics, probiotics and green tea to your diet! Your body will thank you!

Find NutriDiet online, make sure to check out their special offers, and enter to win a bottle with our giveaway below!

We are giving away (1) one box of NutriDiet to (1) lucky winner! This giveaway is open to US and Canada! Enter below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own. 

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