Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. I want to give you examples of how I am doing it through weekly updates, and I am hoping some of you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas too.

So, here we go! I hope this helps and inspires all of you!

In my life this week...
the runny nose/cold hit our family for the first time this year, which is pretty good for having three little ones. It hit me and two of my younger kids. So, this week has been a little extra whiny, tiring and we are ready for it to be Friday! I had fun substitute teaching 5th-8th grade on Thursday. It was a great break from the daily routine and reminded me of how much I love teaching.

I am inspired by...
people who work jobs that are so helpful to others, but so emotionally draining for them. I watched a show about sex trafficking of young girls right in our own country! It is really a modern day version of slavery, and it is completely unacceptable. It spurred me on to help take action against this, and I was so inspired by a former victim, Tina Frundt, who started an awesome safe house, Courtney's house, for other girls who are trying to get out of this horrifying situation. I am so inspired by Tina, and I hope you will check out the show about sex trafficking, 3 AM Girls, and Tina's website!

My favorite thing this week was...
being able to finally get a good night's sleep last night...ahhhh...the little things!

What's working/not working for me...
Working - I have been able to cut down on some of the stress in my life and cut back a little, and it feels SO GOOD!!! Plus, I have been making a bigger effort in my marriage, and it is really making a difference. I have been having fun making my husband more of the top priority in my life.

Not working - I am sick and tired of all the spammers who post comments on this blog. I took off the captcha to give you all an easier way to post comments, but I am so sick of having to daily manually delete them all. I have to find a better solution. Any ideas?

Questions/thoughts I have...
Should I cancel our cable TV? Should I cut back more on getting technology out of our lives and focus on the really important things?

Things I'm working on...
counting my blessings, praying for all the hurting, sick and deeply sad people, continuing to work more on the relationships in my life and not the work stuff as much.

I'm reading...
Harry Potter - the 5th book.  I am also continuing to read my devotion book, Unglued by Lysa TerkHurst. I will keep saying it - I CANNOT recommend this book enough!

I'm cooking...
Cilantro Lime Chicken, Turkey Meatballs, a new coconut dessert for my hubby, chicken avocado dip and a lot, fun, fun!

I'm grateful for...
never having to take my kids to the doctor, a husband who gives his all to our family, a God who loves me despite my mistakes, and my children, who I cannot imagine life without.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

Take a look at this! It is the body scan of a 250 pound woman and a 120 pound woman. If this isn't motivation to work out, I don't know what is!! Note: Look at the size of the intestines and stomach; how the knee joints are rubbing together; the enlarged heart; and the fat pockets near the brain. Scary!! Good health is worth it!
Body scan of 250 pound woman and 120 pound woman. If this isn't motivation to work out, I don't know what is!! Note to self: Look at the size of the intestines and stomach; how the knee joints are rubbing together; the enlarged heart; and the fat pockets near the brain.


  1. That is definitely motivation to work out!!

    On Cable: We do not have it...we just select from shows on the basic networks, or we watch a dvd. I can understand that it's hard to give up once you're used to it though (we have never subscribed to cable).

    1. Thanks for the thoughts on cable. I am starting to be swayed that way too...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your thoughts and tips are what make this blog shine!