So, here we go!
In my life this week...
Although I am not having such a fun Friday so far, (whiny kids, pee all over 2 year old's bed, dealing with crazy kids while trying to get in a workout, more know, the norm) I will try to remember the good moments from this week.
We had beautiful weather at the beginning of the week, and the kids and I enjoyed many beautiful walks. With all the fun fall colors, sunshine and warm gentle breeze, it felt pretty near perfect. We have still been able to harvest from our garden - some tomatoes, plenty of carrots, squash, cucumbers, and herbs. So thankful for that!
I am inspired by...
good music. Music is such a powerful force in my life. I need my Mandisa at my lowest moments, my awesome Tabata music for rocking out during workouts, and my "Jesus Loves Me" for those sweet moments with my children.
My favorite thing this week was...
the quiet moments of the day where I could spend reading. I love the escape that brings from real life. Sometimes you just need to get lost in a book.
What's working/not working for me...
Working - Oh, I don't know. I guess teaching my children important life lessons. My son has been studying decision making at school this week, and he made some poor decisions early on in the week. We had some great discussions about this, and it is awesome to see him making the right decisions now and being so proud of himself for it.
Not working - One of my devotions from this week was about picking the "good" thing to do over the "easy" thing to do. I think I have been picking the "easy" things with my marriage. I haven't spent really quality time with my husband much this week, and the lack of effort is showing itself.
Questions/thoughts I have...
Do stay at home mom's ever stop working?
I'm reading...
Candle in the Darkness by Lynn Austen, Encouragement for Today Devotional by Proverbs 31 Team, Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel, lots of children's books!
I'm cooking...
Sweet and Spicy Sweet Potato Soup (recipe will be up in a few days), Paleo on the Go meals, eggs of all kinds
I'm grateful for...
fresh new days, forgiveness, smiles, a great workout, coconut oil, chocolate, hot showers, good health, and great relationships
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
My fave motivational pin from this week - follow me on Pinterest!

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