Do you like documentaries? I do. I love watching real stories about real people and events. I'm not really into the drama of reality TV, but when a show about a real world changing or life changing event comes on, I like to see it. The Apple Pushers is one of the best made documentaries I have seen in a long time. It is a bright, fast moving, understandable, and well narrated (by Edward Norton) inspiring story. And, it was nothing like I thought it would be. Click here to see the movie trailer.
When I received The Apple Pushers, I thought I was receiving a movie about the obesity crisis, the lack of healthy choices in our cities, and somehow, in my wishful thinking, I thought I would be watching a story with this happy ending of how people chose to be healthy. While all of this happened to some degree, the story was about much more.
The Apple Pushers actually is about immigrants adopting the "can-do" attitude about striving to succeed in America, no matter what the cost, no matter what hardships. The movie follows 5 people as they make their way through the extreme challenges of coming to America. Once they are here, they have to deal with the reality that America is not what they thought it would be - a land of free wealth. What all five immigrants find out is that it is really tough to make a living. However, if your spirit and determination is willing, you can succeed.
I am all for good health! The concept of allowing more permits to allow for more street vendors who sell fresh fruits and vegetables is wonderful. The movie shows people choosing fruit and vegetables over the nearby fast food, and even a fast food worker getting their own food from the street vendor. I was a little saddened by the documentary when out of the 5 vendors, the only one who failed was the one selling organic fruits and vegetables. I found it concerning that one of the vendors who succeeded was someone who was documented as very picky about the fruit and vegetables looking perfect. I had to wonder how many pesticides and preservatives were used.
I think The Apple Pushers has many things going on....the challenge of astronomical health care costs, much in part due to the obesity crisis.....the concept that our large cities are so deficient in quality food offerings, that they are called "urban deserts". However, my favorite theme of the movie is the desire of the human spirit to take a problem and turn it into a solution.
Visit the Apple Pushers site and order a copy of this fascinating DVD today! Be sure to watch for the movie to open in theaters on May 15, 2012. Be inspired and make a difference!
Visit the Apple Pushers site and order a copy of this fascinating DVD today! Be sure to watch for the movie to open in theaters on May 15, 2012. Be inspired and make a difference!
*Cathy was provided a copy of this documentary, but was not obligated to write a review.
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