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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When Temptation Strikes...

By this time in the new year, you have come upon a lot of temptation, which could derail you from your healthy living goals. I know I have.

Today I want to talk about how to strengthen your willpower and practice self-control when it comes to food.

Let me warn you – it isn’t easy. It is one of those “practice makes perfect” things.

First, know your goals. What is your weight-loss goal? Imagine how good you’ll feel when you fit into that new size. Now think about what stands in the way: skipping your workouts, vending machines, your friend’s or hubby’s bad eating habits, being too busy to cook? The list goes on and on. Now, that you know what you are up against, check out the next step.

Second, devise a plan beforehand that helps you cope with situations listed above that may undo you. This shifts the decision-making moment from the danger zone (think chips in hand after a long day of work and no supper started) to a point in time when you are in touch with what you want to achieve (before you even get home from work). When you think through tempting scenarios in advance, you can overcome the temptations a lot easier. Try making an if-then plan. For example: If I get home late and have no idea what to make for dinner, then I will take out the frozen leftover chili and reheat that instead of eating take-out.

Don’t forget to treat yourself with kindness when you experience a setback. If you are too hard on yourself, it is easy to feel defeated and get off track with your goals. You know how to encourage other people and build them up, so try those same things on yourself. Sometimes we don’t even realize how critical we are being to ourselves. Be conscious of it for a day and if you are being too critical, turn that negativity into encouragement.

One of my favorite mantras – Don’t trade what you want most for what you want at this moment.

To Your Great Health and Making Great Choices!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your thoughts and tips are what make this blog shine!