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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Health Benefits of Gardening

Yes, I know! Besides the obvious healthy benefits of getting great produce right from your own backyard, you are also helping your body in other ways to be healthier through gardening. How awesome is that?

Here are five great reasons to get gardening:
  • Working out in your garden burns over 100 calories per half hour.
  • Gardening boosts bone density, since the more strenuous work has a similar effect to weight training.
  • It may even make you smarter! A bacteria in soil stimulates the release of a neurotransmitter involved in learning.
  • A Texas A&M study shows gardeners have a greater zest for life!
  • Being out in the beautiful sunshine will give you a dose of Vitamin D, which we all need.
Get out and garden!


  1. I love this post. My parents garden and I would love to get my kids in the habit of it for when they grow up. As of right now-they get the practice in with my parents. I love the taste of fruit/veggies right out of the garden. Actually we had some fresh peas today! :) Thank you for this-I also never knew that people a bacteria in soil stimulates the release of a neurotransmitter involved in learning.


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