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Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Challenge - Day 8

Last night, I went out with my hubby for the first time in several months!! (Granted, we did still have baby Kailana with us) We went to our favorite restaurant, Risk Restaurant, that serves organic and local food. I love that they are conscious and picky about the ingredients they use, but I also love this restaurant because they serve the best food I have ever eaten in my life! Every time we go, I have something new and deliciously amazing, because they are always changing up the menu.

Well, last night, I had a delicious chicken entree. It was beyond wonderful, and I should have just stopped there. But, I had to at least see the dessert menu. When I saw Tiramisu homemade by Chef Bill, I just had to splurge.

Now, I know I am not supposed to be having dessert for my 10 day challenge, but can you blame me?? This Tiramisu was the most amazing Tiramisu that I have ever had. Hey, at least I shared it with my husband.

So, there, I admitted it. I think I failed yesterday. But, I am not going to give up altogether with my challenge. I still have 2 more days left, and I am going to finish strong.

Lesson #1: You might not meet your goals for health one day, but don't give up altogether. Start over and continue to work hard to accomplish what you want.

Lesson#2: Your goals can't be unrealistic. I don't plan to never have dessert or snacks with over 15 grams of sugar forever. I know that is unrealistic. So, make sure you aren't defeating yourself before you even start your goals.

Wish me luck on my goal tonight!

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