I am still learning about many natural health alternatives and fields, and the whole topic of energy health is fairly new to me. I want to start off by saying, if you are interested in your health in any way whatsoever, this is a book you should definitely read! I have been fascinated all the way from the first page.
The author, Debra Greene, Ph.D., is an Energy Health Specialist and frequently quoted expert in the field of energy medicine. She combine the best of leading-edge approaches with modern science in my clinical practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. Having worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops, she is known for her ability to get to the core of energy imbalances and facilitate lasting improvement.
You are probably asking, "What exactly is energy health and why is it important?" Well, it is hard to explain, especially by measly little me. Let me try a little bit - we all want more energy, more vitality, right? Well, the real key to that is by looking at our body's energy health and figuring out how to obtain optimum energy health inside of ourselves.
"This book is about human energy--where it comes from, where it goes and how to have more of it consistently. It takes the new science of energy medicine, translates it into clear and simple terms, then spells out easy ways to maintain energy health. The fields of energy medicine, energy kinesiology, epigenetics (beyond genetics), and energy psychology have vastly altered what is known about how we function. But much of this life-altering information has not made it into the mainstream. Endless Energy puts these revolutionary ideas into your hands in easy to understand and practical ways."
Dr. Greene does an awesome job of explaining this complex topic so that you can understand it, using wonderful illustrations and exercises to help explain. I really appreciated being able to learn another way to help my own body become healthier and help my family. I think parents everywhere would learn A TON from this book about the dangers of Electro-Pollution, including things like cell phones, laptops, and even baby monitors. Every parents wants to do their best to keep their children safe, but this is one area that is often overlooked in our highly technological society.
Let me give you a little taste of some of the great information Debra offers. She says, "No matter what advertisers may say, do not allow children to use a cell phone (except for emergencies). Children more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) because of their developmental stages. Further, the negative health effects of radiation exposure have been shown to be cumulative. Research indicates that long-term cell phone use has negative effects physically, psycho-emotionally, and behaviorally."
Let me also share a really great short video of Debra's that is on YouTube - 8 Household Products That Are Hurting You.
I have marked up my "Endless Energy" book so much with all the helpful tips and information that is offered in this book. I just know you will all appreciate it as much as I have. You can order your own copy here for only $18.95. Trust me, this book will be a great investment in your family's health!
While you are reading or after you are done, I would love to hear your thoughts and the new things that you have learned!!
* Thank you to MetaComm Media for this product for review! Disclosure - This product was given for review through MetaComm Media for my honest opinion. No other compensation was given.*
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