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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kids' Vitamin and Nutrient Guide

Here are some shocking statistics:

  • The #1 vegetable source in children's diets is FRENCH FRIES!!!

  • 55% of children have low levels of Vitamin D, that number rises to 68% during the winter.

  • On a typical day, most kids consume 25% of their calories from junk food.

  • Childhood obesity is at an all time high!

Yikes, right? You don't even want to know what the cancer rate for children is...

Fortunately, there are a lot of things that you can do to help your child. Our bodies can heal themselves when given the right nutrients and vitamins, so that is why I want to lay out for you a little guide into what vitamins and nutrients your child needs and which vitamins to trust!

Calcium - First let's get those little guys drinking organic milk or yogurt, and then it is wise to also supplement with at least 200 mg in a multivitamin. Most multis don't even come close to that amount, which is why I recommend Shaklee's Incredivites, giving them the calcium they need.

Folic Acid - why is this important? It is essential for growth and the production of red blood cells, supporting nervous system function and repairing DNA damaged by toxins. It also helps build healthy gums, skin and hair. Get anywhere from 100 mcg to 400 mcg daily.

Omega 3 - Most little ones don't like the taste of fish oil, but it is oh so important for them! DHA found in Omega 3's is especially important for brain and eye development, and it helps decrease the risk of aggression, depression, and ADHD. But, be careful!!! You have to make sure the DHA is ultra-pure, free of toxins like mercury and PCB's. My son loves the Shaklee Mighty Smart Chews. They are a yummy orange flavor, 75% organic, contain no artificial ingredients, and they are gluten free! And you don't have to worry about any toxins in these supplements. Shaklee is top of the line, and they have purified and tested their products over and over to make sure you are getting no toxins.

Probiotics - Adults aren't the only ones who need healthy digestive system flora. Giving your child probiotics(good bacteria) may boost their immunity by maintaining a healthy balance within the GI tract. In a 2005 study, people who took daily probiotics supplements for at least 3 months experienced shorter and less severe colds. I know my son has definitely felt the benefits of probiotics. They also helped him with the eczema he suffered with as a baby. I recommend Shaklee's Optiflora Probiotic, which is triple-layer encapsulated to ensure it gets to the right place in the body at the right time to deliver all the good live bacteria you need.

Vitamin C - This is especially good for cold and flu season! Vitamin C is such a powerhouse vitamin, and you can also add herbs such as echinacea and astragalus to their supplements if you feel a cold coming on.

Vitamin D - More and more research is finding that Vitamin D is more important than they have ever known. Growing bones need Vitamin D, which is why along with fortified organic milk, your child needs about 600 IU of Vitamin D in a supplement, such as the Incredivites chewable multivitamin for children.

Explore all of the Children's vitamins from Shaklee, the company that I trust and recommend most. You can order right from there too!

To learn more about children's nutrition and read about specific needs of children with ADD, autism, allergies, asthma, and other health issues, check out my monthly nutrition article for September.


  1. Wow! "Vegetable source"? That's insane. Thanks for the info about folic acid. I knew about the importance during pregnancy but did not know anything about children's needs. Very interesting.

  2. I don't doubt The #1 vegetable source in children's diets is FRENCH FRIES!!! I expect my daughter's #1 veggie is fries too. Not for my lack of trying to get her to eat veggies though. It saddens me.


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