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Friday, November 13, 2009

Why Do We Need a Change?

As you start making easy, positive changes to reduce the number of toxic exposures in your life, you will see positive changes in your health.

Even though it seems we are living longer today than in the past, we are also facing more threats to our health than ever before. The huge petrochemical and agricultural industries that developed in the post WWII times have created around one hundred thousand synthetic chemicals, 90 percent of which haven't even been tested for safety! How is that for scary?

When we are talking "chemicals," it doesn't just mean test tubes in biology class or laboratories. Most of these chemicals are in products we use and eat every day. Whether it's baby wipes, a bag of microwave popcorn, lotion or a bottle of cold medicine, all of these items are mass-produced by larger corporations with one thing on their mind, and it isn't our health.

The World Health Organization estimates that our environment (air, water, food, homes, and products we use) significantly affects more than 80 percent of major diseases. Sicknesses such as asthma, autism, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, endometriosis, infertility, and MS are increasingly more common, and scientists are collecting more evidence linking them with environmental toxins.

That is why it is time to take a good look at the chemicals that are in our lives. We need to stand up for our families and make safe educated decisions that will help, instead of hurt, those we love. Alternatives are out there and should be used. That is why at Your World Natural, we are here to educate you and show you some of the products we think work best!


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