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Friday, December 21, 2018

The Shadow of Mommy

As much as I love my kids so dearly.
As much as I love my husband so much.
As much as I crumble when people yell at me. Or even say one mean word.
I have found myself doing it.

The noise level in our house has been higher than normal. Or at least it seemed to me. I found myself asking why. Why are the kids so loud? Why are they yelling? Why are they having an attitude with me and each other?

And as hard as it is to swallow, the answer, at least in part, is me. See - that’s the cool thing about parenting. Your kids teach you a lot. They are soaking up what you are doing. They are like little copy cats. And this time - what they’re copying doesn’t make me proud at all.

They’re copying my yelling. They’re copying how I deal with stress, frustration, being overwhelmed.

When this truth hit me like a hard stone, I won’t lie, it hurt. But I know I’m not the only one. Being a mom or dad is hard. Beyond hard sometimes. And if you’ve found yourself yelling or losing it when overwhelmed, I get you mama (or daddy). I know you feel guilty. I know you regret it. I know you love your kids. I know you are doing your best.

None of us is perfect. But we have an amazing God and Father who is! Because He loves us so much, we are forgiven. You are forgiven. I am forgiven.

Each day is a new day. And I’m on a journey to be a more patient, peaceful mom. I’m cutting down on multi-tasking so I don’t get overwhelmed so easily. I’m getting down at eye-level and treasuring their little faces and emotions instead of being impatient. I’m making my own self-care a priority so I’m not empty with little to give when much is needed. I’m apologizing, asking for forgiveness.

It’s a journey for sure. Good days, bad moments. Trying again. But as I’ve started hearing my daughter speak to her brother in the kind loving way I’ve been using with her, it brings tears to my eyes and fills my heart with SO MUCH joy!

The journey is hard, but so rewarding, isn’t it? We’re in this together friend!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

What Are You Thirsting For?

What are you thirsty for?

That’s the question my pastor asked last weekend as he talked about all the different things we go to when we feel empty.

I’ve been thinking about that question for such a long time.

I’ve bounced between trying to fill my empty with food and exercise and relationships. I’ve found myself looking to accomplishments, perfection, social media, and I’m sure there are more.

But what really fills that void? Quenches our thirst? 

For me, I’ve found that what I really need is peace. Real lasting peace. And I haven’t found any better peace than looking to God’s promises and being reminded of his incredibly amazing, perfect love for me. And for us all.

It feels so good to pour out my heart to the one person who never lets me down. To be filled with his words from the Bible through music or time spent reading through a chapter every day.

I’m so so grateful to always have that peace waiting for me, no matter what my day looks like.

What’s your favorite go-to when you feel empty?

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Take a Break and Meditate!

This season of the year is just a little extra busy, and that's added on to our already crazy lives. As I chat with all of you, I hear time and time again how much you need to prioritize your wellness and how much you want to relax and just breathe.

Repeat after me - I need a break.

That's where meditation comes in. I first started meditating about 3 years ago, when my naturopathic doctor recommended doing it daily and recommended a great app I've come to love and appreciate so much!

The reason meditation is such a big deal is because it helps you become aware of your body and how you feel, slows your breathing, helps you be more mindful throughout your day, helps reduce pain and combat anxiety and depression, helps you relax your mind and body and this list just goes on and on.

Here's the app I use 5-6 days a week - Calm. It gives you several free options, but I now have invested in my health with the full app and it gives me a ton of great options. I can meditate for as little as 3 minutes or as long as I want. I can do meditations for anxiety, for gratitude, for a body scan, for sleep, etc.

If you want to add a little more support and relaxation to your meditation, try diffusing your favorite calming oils like Frankincense, Copaiba, White Angelica, Stress Away or use your favorite calming roller before you start your meditation.

What a great way to take care of yourself every day!

Who else meditates consistently? How long do you meditate each day?

Monday, April 30, 2018

How I Am Controlling Cortistop

Show of hands for all of you who feel stressed out more days than not? 🙋🙋🙋

I've found as a personal trainer, mom, wife, sister, friend, daughter, there are a lot of people in my life -- dare I say almost ALL the people in my life -- who are incredibly stressed, giving giving giving until they are depleted and then giving more.

Does it seem to you that society has almost made it the "it thing" to do to be stressed and busy and running around like chickens with our heads cut off?

I mean - I used to ask people how they were doing and I'd hear "fine" or "good." Now I hear "busy" or "so stressed."

And I'm the worst one. I've stressed my body out so badly that I actually now have serious health issues. 😳😳😳 Not cool.

Don't be like me. Don't wait until stress causes your cortisol levels to go sky high and creates physiological changes in your body.

It's time to do something about it. One of my game-changers for stress has been taking Cortistop. 
What is Cortistop? Only the most amazing unique supplements that will help you control that beast called cortisol.

You need this if you want:

✔️ Adrenal support
✔️ help with feelings of fatigue
✔️ healthy weight support
✔️ cardiovascular system support
✔️ support with other side effects of high cortisol
✔️ support for healthy hormones

Even though we can't make stress disappear, at least we can counteract the effects of stress and help restore balance in our lives.

What was the most stressful part of your week so far? 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Start and Stick to Your Workout Plan

*This is a sponsored post. Thank you for your readership!

Do you really want to build muscle and not waste time? Well, this article was written to help busy people build muscle and lose weight in an efficient way. For a muscle mass training program, training must be intense, frequent, heavy and composed of basic exercises. This article will, therefore, help you discover the essential steps that will allow you to progress in the long term because that's how you will have the best results.

Here are the important points that you need to respect in order for your muscle mass training program to work. During this period, it will be necessary to favor compound exercises which will allow big gains in muscular mass and strength. The basic exercises of muscle mass gain are those that work for the large muscle groups. Therefore, apply these methods to your workouts and you'll build muscle.

Here are some points to follow for your muscle mass training program. Remember, when you are using multi-joint and multi-muscle exercises, you are working many muscles at the same time, resulting in more calories burned and a shorter, more effective workout.

With proper planning, repeated workouts can enhance gene activation to achieve a higher level of activity and muscle growth. Give the muscles time to recover from the session and sleep as much as your schedule allows.

The number of repetitions is perhaps the most important element and will make the biggest difference compared to other types of training programs. You will waste your effort if you resort to excessive repetitions to literally destroy the slightest muscle fiber in your arms. As a result, you will shoot yourself in the foot and slow down your muscle gain.

Therefore, a workout must be balanced to work the opposing muscles in an equivalent way in terms of the number of exercises, series or frequency of work. In addition, each worked muscle sends a slight anabolic signal to all the other muscles of the body, via the circulatory system. Opposing exercises are therefore an excellent method to stimulate the muscles quickly and effectively.

For a beginner or an intermediate practitioner, the recommend reps are between 9 and 12 repetitions per series (except for special cases). Because with less than 5 repetitions, you will mainly work strength, and with too many repetitions (more than a dozen) you will mainly work on your stamina.

Training is only part of a good bodybuilding program, nutrition is responsible for more than half of the results. Have a proper nutritional regime, so that the body has the right amount of macronutrients to build muscle and recover quickly.

The interesting point of this concept, revealed by the research carried out on this subject, is that if your diet is sufficient in proteins, calories and carbohydrates, and you have opted for the right food supplements, you can really take advantage of a bodybuilding program. For maximum gain, you must pay attention to the meal that follows your bodybuilding training. Do not forget that intensive training will stimulate your appetite not only after the session but also the next day.

For muscle mass gain you should eat about 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight per day depending on your fat percentage and your training volume. It is during recovery that muscle growth is made.

Under-nourishment is a real probable possibility for many people. Focus on eating lots of real, whole foods and planning your meals ahead of time, if possible. Pre-packaged dinners like ones from Paleo on the Go (my personal fave), Pete's Paleo, Freshly, or Nutrisystem will also help you consume nutritious meals. However, Nutrisystem cost tends to be lower overall, as shows in their helpful article.

Health and wellness comes from a comprehensive approach of taking care of yourself physically with workouts, sleep, good nutrition, and stress-relief and also caring for your mental health as well.

What is a new habit you are starting that will help you stick to your workout plan?

Friday, October 6, 2017

5 Must-Haves To Get Your Best Workout

Wayyyyyy too often do I see people wasting their precious time by not getting the most out of their workouts. So many of us have been there too - not feeling motivated, sluggish, doing the same exercises every single time we go, not giving our bodies the recovery it needs, getting distracted. It happens. 
That wasted time adds up fast! I mean -- come on, if you work out 5 times a week for about an hour, that's 20 hours a month wasted, 240 hours a year wasted. 
Not anymore! I am sharing with you my 5 must-haves to get the absolute most out of your workout. Let's get right to it. 
#1. For me the workout really starts before I even get sweating. I have found if you aren't in the right head space to rock and roll, you are not going to get the most out of your time at the gym. I like to dress for success, listen to awesome pump-me-up music, and think about the feeling I had at the end of my last dynamite workout. 
A lot of my workouts lately have been at home, and I find that it's way too easy to stay in pj's to workout. The problem is -- when I do that, I don't give my best workout. I just got this super cute outfit from Fabletics to help me feel my best and be ready to work. 
#2. Have a goal. If you go into work each day just to clock hours, you are not going to be as productive as if you had a goal for that day or several goals. Same thing with your workout. Go into it with a goal. Do you want to do more reps of pushups? Are you trying to run faster than you have before? Get in another round of Tabata than last time? Now get it done! 
#3. Ever heard of this rockstar kind of HIIT called Tabata? It's an interval workout that consists of hard work for 20 seconds and then 10 seconds of rest directly following that. You repeat that pattern for 8 sets. That is one round. You can choose to do as many or as few rounds as you would like. These kind of workouts give you an awesome calorie burn during and AFTER the workout. They are a crazy good way to make the most of your time getting stronger! I have shared a bunch of Tabata workouts on this blog for you here. You can take care of cardio or strength training or both with Tabata workouts. Trust me - you'll be hooked!
#4. Recovery. I used to have no idea that I needed to help my body recover after a workout. I mean - you are literally breaking down muscle fibers and want to help them rebuild. The way to do this? Amino acids, protein, good carbs. Your body needs those building blocks to recover and build stronger from your awesome workouts. One of my recovery game-changers has been AminoWise. I love to drink this during or after a workout to give my body the branch chain amino acids they so desperately need. And I can feel the difference in my body if I don't drink them. Can't get up the stairs after your intense leg workout anyone?

By the way, I am assuming you are working on your healthy eating, right? I don't even need to go into that, because I know you are eating lots of good fats, protein and vegetables galore. 😼
#5. As we talk about recovery, I have to mention sleep. So much happens while you sleep at night, and if you are not getting enough good quality sleep, (I get 9 hours a night, no joke) you're going to feel it. Trust me, that lack of rest and rejuvenation will come to bite you. Hard. Please take the time to make sleep a priority and the earlier you can get to bed, the better. You can always get up earlier if you need to. 
As a personal trainer, these are the things that keep me motivated and working hard and getting in the best workout in whatever amount of time I have. Pick one of your favorite tips and get started today!

This is a sponsored post. All my words, thoughts and images are my own. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What is Stress Doing to Us?

Show of hands for all of you who feel stressed out more days than not? 🙋🙋🙋

I've found as a personal trainer, mom, wife, sister, friend, daughter, there are a lot of people in my life -- dare I say almost ALL the people in my life -- who are incredibly stressed, giving giving giving until they are depleted and then giving more.

Does it seem to you that society has almost made it the "it thing" to do to be stressed and busy and running around like chickens with our heads cut off?

I mean - I used to ask people how they were doing and I'd hear "fine" or "good." Now I hear "busy" or "so stressed." And I'm the worst one. I've stressed my body out so badly that I actually now have serious health issues. 😳😳😳 Not cool.

Don't be like me. Don't wait until stress causes your cortisol levels to chronically go sky high and creates physiological changes in your body. Did you know that chronic, high cortisol production is tied to symptoms and ailments including weight gain, anxiety, sleep disorders, hormonal imbalances and fertility problems, in addition to many other problems?

It's time to do something about it. I just got this new supplement Cortistop to try out for myself.

What is Cortistop? It's this super cool, unique to YL supplement that will help you control that beast called cortisol.

You need this if you want:
✔️ Adrenal support
✔️ help with feelings of fatigue
✔️ healthy weight support
✔️ cardiovascular system support
✔️ support with other side effects of high cortisol
✔️ support for healthy hormones

Even though we can't make stress disappear, at least we can counteract the effects of it and help restore balance in our lives.

Want to get your hands on some? Click here to learn more and grab it!