Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. Friday Fun is my way of sharing a bit of my life with you, my readers and friends, and I hope you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas with me too.

So, here we go!

In my life this week...
This week went by in a blur of crazy. My husband was working a ton this week, so that he could be off on Thursday. Now, we are able to relax a bit and enjoy spending some time together as a family. is so nice to get a little break from our everyday crazy life.

I am inspired by...
the beautiful creation that is all around us! I love looking outside and seeing all the green. I love getting my hands dirty pulling weeds and working on planting things outside. I love seeing bright yellow dandelions and other beautiful flowers.

My favorite thing this week was...
well, it hasn't happened yet. But, I am guessing my favorite thing this week will be going out to lunch with my hubby today. Yay!! A date! We don't have those often, so it will be really nice to spend some time together alone. We found a cute little organic, natural restaurant that looks to be delicious!

What's working/not working for me...
Working - Oh, my, I just don't know what is working anymore. I guess my fitness classes and personal training is going great!

Not working - I haven't felt much motherly joy this week. I have felt a bit like a failure as a mother this week, since my children have been testing my patience like crazy. I have felt very overwhelmed by it all, and it is having an impact on my health. I had a horrible migraine headache for two days, which made things even worse. I was able to find a little relief with lots of B complex, OmegaGuard, peppermint essential oil, and a White Willow Bark/Feverfew supplement.

Questions/thoughts I have...
Should I homeschool my son. I am really wrestling with this decision, because I just can't imagine sending my son to school all day every day for 5/days a week when he is so young and impressionable. I feel it is my responsibility as a parent to be his main guide and leader. I don't know if I am ready to hand that responsibility off to someone else. Hmm....

Things I'm working on...
trying to be more patient and understanding with all my family. I am also working on trying to find the joy and happiness in all the little moments of each day.

I'm reading...
A Time to Laugh, A Time to Cry by Bonnie Wasser, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, and A Love That Multiplies by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar.

I'm cooking...
Crockpot Salsa Chicken, Crockpot Mustard Chicken, lots of veggies

I'm grateful for...
a few days for my husband to spend with us! It is SOOOOO nice to spend time with another adult. :-) Especially my husband. I am also grateful that my stomach aches are seeming to get better.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

I have been learning a LOT from reading books about the Duggar family, who have 19 children. Their website has tons of good information - I can't wait to explore it even more!

1 comment:

  1. I've been enjoying our spring weather here too! I'm always inspired by bright sunny days, especially after a long wet dark winter.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your thoughts and tips are what make this blog shine!