Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cryoow Doll Review and Giveaway

Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.

My son's 5th birthday is coming up, and I wanted to get him something really special. I wanted to get him something totally unique that he would treasure. Hmmm...what could I get him?

How about a doll/little buddy that he designed himself? Perfect! Thanks to Cryoow!, we could do just that! I think this is such a great idea to bring out the creativity in all children. The founder was inspired by his own 7 year old. She wanted to create a doll she she could hug and kiss that she had drawn herself. That is exactly what they did! Now he has gone global and his goal is to bring the kids away from the TV/game console/iPhone/you name it to create something on their own!

And it is so easy! You have your child use their imagination to draw a doll. You send it over to Cryoow! by email. They create the doll and ship it to you quite quickly. You can see my son's drawing and his Cryoow! doll below.

How awesome is that? They look exactly alike!! I was tickled pink when we received this in the mail. I don't actually know who is more excited - me or my kids! You can see my son actually named his Biby, and wrote that on the doll's chest. So sweet!
My daughter also had to design one, of course. After her drawing was finished, I wasn't sure how well her doll would turn out, but as you can see below, it is just perfect!

Isn't this the greatest gift idea? What child wouldn't love a doll/toy that they designed themselves.

You can find more about Cryoow!, even how their unique name was created, on their website. Please remember, the transport costs by DHL are already included in the doll's price.

I have some exciting news! We are going to give away (1) Cryoow! doll to (2) separate winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i had to show my daughter this post! she loves the dolls and wants to make one for herself right now :) great way to advertise a fun product! thanks crystal allen

  2. My son would love this, he loves to draw and make up stories to go with his drawing. Cryoow doll would just make everything come to live for him.

    1. You are right! This would be great for him!


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