Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. Friday Fun is my way of sharing a bit of my life with you, my readers and friends, and I hope you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas with me too.

So, here we go!

In my life this week...
I got to hang out with my brother and a few of my younger sisters, which was really fun! My brother was visiting from Milwaukee, which gave me a great excuse to take a break from normal routines and have a little fun with him. I taught some great classes at the gym, and worked to re-motivate my personal training clients after the long holiday break.

I am inspired by...
my friend and co-blogger, Cathy, who is a fighter for all things natural and healthy in a job where that is not the norm. She works so hard to teach and motivate others to get out of their unhealthy, stressful situations and make their lives better and healthier. You rock, Cathy!

My favorite thing this week was...
playing with my kids as a kid for a little while, no worries, just play. I had fun teaching my son how to play golf, swinging with my daughters and playing memory card games (which I am really bad at, by the way)

What's working/not working for me...
Working - The book 1000 Gifts is changing my life. I am learning to practice real true thankfulness, not just for the special things in life, but for the ugly beautiful things, the seemingly mundane things, and the really really tough things. I am a work in progress, as always, and I will never be perfect, but being thankful changes your attitude, and I need a lot of attitude adjustments.

Not working - Drama. Little family dramas are just ridiculous. But, they hurt nonetheless. 

Questions/thoughts I have...
How can I bring more fun to my children's summer?

I'm reading...
Faith of My Fathers by Lynn Austin, 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, Health magazine and a few other books

I'm cooking...
Baked Salmon, "Noodles" from broccoli and carrot slaw, salads and eggs with fresh herbs from my garden, and tacos

I'm grateful for...
I am actually almost to 600 on my list of things I am thankful for. I won't list 600 things for you, but will give you a few that are on my mind right now. I am thankful for the power of prayer, patience, deep breaths, fresh strawberries, nap time, goals accomplished, and my husband's days off.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

Fear makes your life small. -  Ann Voskamp


  1. Because your blog is about health and you've shared some of the books you're reading, I've read a book that you just might like.

    Pandora's Lunchbox by Jennifer Warner.

    I've learned a lot of things about additives and preservatives. I like it that she isn't too biased. She wants to be healthy yet needs convenience. She was trying to find a balance and that began her research.

    One thing I learned, the Bryers "Ice Cream" I bought yesterday was in fact a "Dairy Dessert Product." She talks about the difference between a food and a product.

    Thanks for your blog, I find it interesting. I like the Friday run-down. I juts might steal the idea :)

    1. I will have to look into that book, Kim. Thanks for the suggestion! Glad that you are enjoying my blog. Go ahead and use the idea of Friday Fun. I would just appreciate a link credit back here. Thanks! Look forward to more insights and comments from you!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your thoughts and tips are what make this blog shine!