Tuesday, June 11, 2013

SunRidge Farms Snacking

 Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.

As a mother of three, and being a hungry lady myself, snacking is a must in our house. We love our food, and we love our snacks. And I am a-okay with that, because there are so many great snacking choices out there.

SunRidge Farms is one company that makes snacking a little easier. Whether you are on a road trip, need a pick-me-up at work, or just hanging out at home, their snacks are the perfect choice. They come in resealable bags, so you can store them anywhere. And they are full of healthy ingredients like nuts, seeds, dried fruit and more.
They have a huge assortment of nut mixes. My personal faves are the Hit the Trail Mix Organic, Roasted and Salted Cashews Organic, Milk Chocolate Almonds Organic, and the Organic Cranberry Harvest Mix.

Each one of these is unique and tasty in its own way. The Milk Chocolate Almonds are perfect for those chocolate or crunchy cravings. Their Roasted and Salted Cashews are perfect for any salty cravings. Hit the Trail Mix is full of tamari almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, raisins, peanuts and pumpkin seeds - all organic! The Cranberry Harvest Mix is a sweeter version with chocolate chips, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, sunflower seeds, almonds, raisins, and apples - also all organic.

They have products that will fit your every craving and every need. Plus, this company really stands apart with its commitment to going green. They have low-flow water saving devices, use biodiesel delivery trucks and hybrid sales cars and more. They even offer their employees $5 a day for biking to work! Love that!

You will probably see them at retailers near you. If you want their full list of products to choose from, order online.


  1. Cara, thanks so much for the feedback on SunRidge Farms items. We just wanted to point out to your readers that if you don't find our items in prepackaged bags or tubs, check the bulk foods section of your favorite grocer as you'll find even more of our items there.
    Thanks! Greg Koenig, SunRidge Farms

  2. We love snacking, too, and I try to ensure it is healthy snacking! I'd love to try these, the Cranberry Harvest Mix sounds perfect for right now!


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