Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. Friday Fun is my way of sharing a bit of my life with you, my readers and friends, and I hope you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas with me too.

So, here we go!

In my life this week...
Just a warning - I am starting to write this post when I am all-of-a-sudden feeling a little low. I think the week just came crashing down on me. I debated whether waiting to write, hoping my "mood" would pass, but then I thought, "well, this is me." Plus, I only have a short window to write anyway. So, bear with me a little if I start venting.

It was a busy week full of fun, new things and also a few low points. As much as I want to pretend everything is always sunny and happy in the Nitz household, it just isn't. There are moments of stress, there are moments of frustration, there are moments I just want to give up. Those are the moments I just need a little break, but what do I do with my children when I need a time out? :-)

The kids had Vacation Bible School, which they loved! I loved being there with my middle daughter at her class of 2 year olds. My son loved his independence in his 5 year old class. And baby Brynn liked watching it all. It was and is always a joy to see my children's faith grow, so this was wonderful.

My husband had a busy Monday through Thursday, working long hours, getting up super early and working on call for a couple days. He is also trying to finish his rough draft of the novel he is writing by June 30th, so 
he (and I and probably the kids) are feeling more stress than usual. He is exhausted, which I think leads him to not be as productive as possible, which leads to frustration, which leaks into the rest of the family and causes a rough atmosphere. I think I have spent the week trying to build him up and encourage him more and more, as well as do all the other wonderful things we do as mothers and wives. And now that he is home for one day, I think the strength and resolve I had been using all week has run dry. I feel like the walls have crumbled, since there is someone else home to help out a bit, and I just need something to build me back up again.

But, like I said earlier, I am in a low moment right now, and I am not quite sure what is going on in my head and heart. Thanks for listening to me blather.

I am inspired by...
people who have much less than I have, but are more content.

My favorite thing this week was...
noticing the little things I am blessed with - my children's beautiful eyes, their soft skin, sweet breezes...

What's working/not working for me...
Working - I am still loving my new book, 1000 Gifts. In fact, I should go and read a chapter. That would hopefully get me back on track.

Not working - I am feeling lacking in the areas of my life that feed me as a person/woman. My husband is such a serious minded man, that he doesn't know how to bring out/feed/appreciate the fun side of me like a good girls/sisters night would do. I also feel like things are slower at the fitness center I work at, where I would love to see them growing.  

Questions/thoughts I have...
There are so many moments of joy and thankfulness in my life, but what about the other moments? How do I make those full of joy and thankfulness as well?

I'm reading...
Dana's Valley by Janette Oke and 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp

I'm cooking...
Buffalo Meatloaf, Baked Salmon, Almond Butter Chewy Bars, Crockpot Italian Chicken Soup

I'm grateful for...
a husband who loves his children and takes the time to make his son an awesome shield out of cardboard, a family I can always come home to and know I will feel welcomed and loved, the promise of a new day to start all over again

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

I just downloaded some recent pictures, and here is the latest picture of my little family.

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