Thursday, May 2, 2013

Take Charge of Eating Tip #30

Can you believe we have had 30 of these awesome tips already? If you haven't seen them all, catch up here.

#30 - Throughout the day, sing, pray out loud, laugh - feel the vibrations from your vocal cords all the way down to your belly. Joyful sounds stimulate and promote health to our digestive systems.

How many of you have ever felt the vibrations from your vocal cords down to your belly? I sure haven't. And as odd as it sounds, now I am a little sad about that. Why haven't I?

I will tell you why. I am too busy. I am almost always in a rush. Sure, I laugh a lot. But I could really use more of those belly laughs that relieve tension, stress and give your abs a nice little workout. Plus, now I know that laughter helps promote digestion health, I am going to start laughing at everything, including this post. :-)

(If you missed my post about why or how we are doing this Take Charge of Eating challenge, check it out and join us)

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about laughter helping promote digestion health, but it would make sense. I am going to try my best to laugh more!
    twinkle at optonline dot net


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