Thursday, May 30, 2013

Healthy Living For People Over 40

Consideration was received for the editing and publishing of this guest post. 

Healthy Living for People Over 40

Health trends are very popular nowadays. Whether it’s jumping on the paleo diet bandwagon, trying the latest kickbox infused cardio class or consuming everything in liquid form, more people are becoming aware of what it means to stay healthy.

Of course these health trends are perfect for people in their 20s and 30s. But does this mean that people over the age of 40 should be excluded? What can people over the age of 40 do to keep healthy? Here are a few tips.

Healthy Diet       
Sure, no one wants to consume a diet of rice, skinless chicken and pine nuts for every meal daily. People over the age of 40 want to enjoy life, which entails experiences the joys and tastes of cooking. One of the hottest trends right now are gluten free products, which can be added to any meal to substitute wheat products such as bread, pastas or cereal. It’s healthier and just as delicious.
Whether you have a sweet, salty or fatty tooth, there are several alternative foods you can have that taste the same (sometimes even better) without the guilt of indulging. Adding items that are free of sugar, low fat, gluten-free or low calorie to your pantry can keep you satisfied when you have those hard-to-control cravings.

Another trend that seems to be hitting the U.S. by storm is juicing. Juicing deals with the crushing and extraction of natural fruit and vegetable juices in raw form. It usually requires a juicer to rid your juice of any pulp or fiberous material.

What makes juicing so highly recommendable are its immediate health benefits. Instead of wasting energy in digestion, juicing helps inject and the vitamins and minerals that are secreted by fruits and vegetables and injects them straight into your bloodstream. Juicing is also used for detoxifying your body and building immunity to diseases, making it an ideal dietary practice for anyone at any age.

Healthy Exercise

Living an active life is essential if you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle. However, most people over the age of 40 aren’t very inclined to take boxing classes or practice Parkour. Since it gets harder to stay fit with age, age-friendly fitness opportunities are essential for living an active lifestyle. A few age-friendly exercises could be walking, biking, swimming, resistance training (which increases joint elasticity) or any physical activity that doesn’t produce too much joint tension.

One of the biggest factors that can affect your ability to keep an active lifestyle can be joint and muscle pains. Whether you’re male or female, lived an active lifestyle during your youth or not, joint pains will become a factor in your everyday life. With age, our connective tissue becomes less elastic, and can therefore cause pain when we engage in heavy physical activity.

If pain persists, it’s best to get tested for osteoarthritis. A lot of doctors recommend their patients to buy Euflexxa or other medications that decrease joint pain or alleviate the pain of arthritis. A combination of joint pain medications and therapies and consistent exercise can help you lead an active, joint pain free life.

Just because you’re over the age of 40 doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy healthy living like people in their 20s and 30s. With the right diet and exercise, you’ll be able live a fantastic, fulfilled, healthy life.


  1. We all need a lot of tips for living healthy after the age of 40. All of these ideas are terrific and it can't hurt to start them in the 20's and 30's also. I would like to try juicing also and I do exercise and walk each day!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

    1. You are right! Prevention is key! It is never to early to start taking care of yourself.


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