Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Fun!

Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best life healthfully and naturally. Friday Fun is my way of sharing a bit of my life with you, my readers and friends, and I hope you will be willing to share your thoughts and ideas with me too.

So, here we go!

In my life this week...
I have been trying some new healthy habits - tapping and oil pulling. These might seem like foreign words to you, so let me explain. If you didn't catch my post on what tapping is and how it can help you, check it out here. Oil pulling is another simple thing to do that can have great benefits for you. I am planning to write a post on it once I experiment with it a bit longer. Basically, it is swishing oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes for oral health and some say, health benefits that extend beyond the mouth. I am undecided on the oil pulling, but I have been having some really positive experiences with the tapping.

I am inspired by...
my husband, who works the craziest hours, comes home cheerful and helpful, rubs my feet every night, and loves me like I need to be loved. He is so hard-working, rarely ever complains, and is one of the most loving people I know.

My favorite thing this week was...
spending part of Mother's Day with my amazing mother and my inspirational sister (who is also a fantastic mother). I had great talks with both of them, and the time I spent with them relaxed me enough to make my stomach aches go away for one day.

What's working/not working for me...
Working - I gave myself the challenge this week of not yelling or losing my temper with any of my kids. I have done pretty well, with maybe only one slip up. At first, I didn't see any change and it was hard to keep going despite them challenging me. But, now at the end of the week, I am seeing my children a little happier, a little nicer to each other, and I am so grateful to God for helping me complete my challenge. I am going to keep on challenging myself to do this every week from now on.

Not working - missing my husband. He is working a lot lately, and he will also be working this Sunday, when my youngest sister and godchild will be confirmed. I am sad that he will miss this big event, but I am thankful for his hard work.

Questions/thoughts I have...
What else can I do to help with my stomach aches?

Things I'm working on...
I have started a fun little summer schedule for the kids, to give them some new and fun things to look forward to each day - Make Something Monday, Take a Trip Tuesday, Library Wednesday, Wet and Wild Thursday, and Fresh and Fun Friday. I found this idea on Pinterest, and so far, my kids love it!

I'm reading...
A Time to Laugh, A Time to Cry by Bonnie Wasser, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, and Duggars: 20 and Counting by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

I'm cooking...
Roasted Chicken, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Black Bean Bowls, Salmon and Dandelion Salads, Chicken Salad on Celery, and I really don't know what to make for supper tonight....

I'm grateful for...
beautiful summery days to go for walks and play at the park, meeting new people, my children's beautiful faith, good health, and so much more!!!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
two of my kids enjoying their first time "climbing" a tree!

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