Living healthy natural lives is not always the easiest thing, which
is why I started my blog - to inspire and help others live their best
life healthfully and naturally. Friday Fun is my way of sharing a bit of my life with you, my readers and friends, and I hope you will be
willing to share your thoughts and ideas with me too.
So, here we go!
In my life this week...
I am finally starting to see green when I look outside our windows! Hallelujah! It has been a busy week - my son had his Kindergarten Round Up, which I was emotional about. I had a super chaotic night that night, since my husband worked late and missed it all, my bumper fell half off in a rain storm at my work while I was there with all 3 of my kids. So, THANKFULLY my lovely personal training client saved the day by letting me borrow her car and rush my kids home to throw food in their mouths and rush to my son's Kindergarten event. Needless to say, the Kindergarten Round Up was a bit of a blur, and I haven't had time to let it sink in yet. I need to do that, because I can feel a lot of emotional build up from this whole week and it is driving me crazy. I need to watch a sad movie and cry my eyes out.
I am inspired by...
single moms - again. I felt a bit like a single mom at many times this week, since my husband worked way overtime this week. I had just a little sneak peek into that life, and I don't know how all you single moms do it!!!
My favorite thing this week was...
working with my personal training clients. I needed some time to feel like someone other than a stroller pushing, baby carrying, chef, diaper changing, spit up wiping, ear for whining. That time was precious to me. I also really, really enjoyed chatting with my sister for a few peaceful minutes.
What's working/not working for me...
- Eggs!! That's right, eggs. I wasn't satisfied with the organic eggs I was buying in the store. I wanted eggs from a farm I know that are grass-fed, running around clucking away. I found some fabulous eggs from Farmers Daughters Eggs. We tried them for breakfast this morning, and they were absolutely delicious!! This may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but we eat about 4 dozen eggs a week, and I wanted the most nutritious eggs I could find to feed my family. I am so thrilled I found some!
working - stomach aches. I think I am holding too much stress and emotion inside. I have been having stomach aches all week, and it isn't pleasant. I need to apply some peppermint oil, drink a nice warm cup of tea and watch a sappy movie.
Questions/thoughts I have...
Should I try oil pulling? For those of you who haven't heard of it, google it and read up. It is basically swishing oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes or so to strengthen your teeth and get rid of bacteria in your mouth.
Things I'm working on...
Trying to love my family better according to their love language. For my husband - that is words of affirmation. For my son - that is words of affirmation. For my older daughter - that is physical touch, and for my youngest, I am not sure yet, so I am just going to keep loving up on her the best I know how. :-)
I'm reading...
A Time to Laugh, A Time to Cry by Bonnie Wasser, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, and Baby, It's Cold Outside by Susan May Warren
I'm cooking...
Baked Salmon, sweet potato fries, Pizza Skillet, Italian Chicken in the crockpot, Chocolate Coconut Bark for my hubby and our Bible study friends.
I'm grateful for...
the sun shining today, a beautiful, loving mother who gave so much of herself to me, my daughter, Kailana, making me laugh with her crazy antics, my son, Malachi, for his gentle kindness and help, and my daughter, Brynn, for all her beautiful baby smiles that uplift me no matter what else is going on in the day.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
Happy Mother's Day!!!
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