Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Christian Mama's Guide to Parenting a Toddler Book Review

Oh boy, have I had moments where I was at my wit's end with my two year old daughter. Lots of them. Lately. Pulling my hair out. Not laughing.

That is why I was overjoyed to get some helpful advice from a fellow mama who has experienced the same things I am currently experiencing. I think that there is great knowledge to be had from talking to other moms about their experiences with the situations/challenges that you are currently facing (which is why I am so grateful for all the times you guys offer me your thoughts and opinions on what I write to you about).

The Christian Mama's Guide to Parenting a Toddler Everything You Need to Know to Survive (and Love) Your Child's Terrible Twos written by Erin MacPherson is a fantastic book that has helped me as I struggle to be the best mom I can be to my three little ones.

This book takes on everything toddler—from throwing food to potty training to massive toddler fits—and is filled with sanity-saving advice every mom wants to hear. Helpful tips include how to:
  • stop a tantrum in its tracks (or at least survive the tantrum without breaking into tears of your own)
  • discipline your child in a way that demonstrates Christ's redeeming love
  • make your marriage a priority when your kid is a squeaky wheel that always seems to need your time and attention
  • introduce your child to Jesus in a way that leads to authentic faith
  • convince a one-and-a-half year old that broccoli really is better than cookies—even if you don't believe it yourself (which I do, by the way)
This is not a dry, boring read at all. I love the humorous, entertaining and friendly way that Erin wrote this book. As I read, I really felt like I was just chatting with a friend, as she poured some of her wisest advice onto me and shared her own stories with me, just to make me feel better about my own situation. And this book is not just for parents of two year olds. I found information that will help me with all my kids - my 6 month old, 2 year old, and 4 year old.

She also brings a great Christian perspective to this challenging time of parenting that I really appreciate. In our home, our Savior is the cornerstone of our family, and this book helped support me in that part of our parenting as well. I love the little prayers and Bible passages sprinkled throughout the book.

I really cannot recommend this book enough. This is one of the few books that makes me want to pass my copy on and buy more copies for all my friends and family members who would benefit from it. It is full of meaningful, effective and worthwhile information that anyone with kids will love!
Find it online from Thomas Nelson or other online retailers.

Cara received this book to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.

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