Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spice Up Your Meals With Lisa's Organics

I love cooking, don't get me wrong. I love making meals from scratch, putting my own touches on them, and serving my family with love. But, some days it can be a drag to come up with new recipes and prepare a nice dinner when you have three little ones hanging on your body from every limb.

That is why I love Lisa's Organics frozen vegetable side dishes for spicing up my cooking in a really easy way!

Lisa grew up shopping the farmers market with her grandma, preparing dishes from their fresh local produce, and loving it! Life has changed a bit for her since then. She has 3 young children, like I do, and she often doesn't have the time to create those home-cooked meals like she used to. That is why she created Lisa’s Organics vegetable side dishes as a way to serve delicious hot meals in only 5 minutes. Perfect!

Just because these are quicker ways to get delicious meals, doesn't mean Lisa compromises in the quality. Their vegetables are grown exclusively in certified organic soils right here in the USA and Canada. They wash and freeze the vegetables the same day they’re harvested at the peak of freshness, then add their special sauce “chips” to the bag so the veggies and sauce stay separate until you cook them.

They offer five different varieties:
California Vegetables in Balsamic Glaze
Our favorites were the California Vegetables in Balsamic Glaze and Whole Green Beans in Garlic Olive Oil Sauce. I served the California Vegetables with quinoa for a delicious veggie stir fry meal. I served the Whole Green Beans with small shrimp for a delicious lunch. Our whole family loved each meal, and they were asking for more!
It really is as simple as dumping out the bag into a saucepan, adding a bit of olive oil (or I like coconut oil) and heating it for a few minutes. Then, you can enjoy these side dishes with your main course or add a few ingredients like I did and make them your main course.

Check out Lisa's Organic, and you won't have to sacrifice quality when it comes to convenience! Find a store near you that carries them!

Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.

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