Monday, April 1, 2013

Facts About Hyperhidrosis

We all sweat. It is our bodies way of cooling itself, so we don't overheat. Certain triggers can cause us to sweat, including warm temperatures, exercise, nervousness, fear, or embarrassment. But in people with hyperhidrosis, the amount of sweat produced is greater than normal and may occur even when the surrounding temperature is cool.

There are two main types of hyperhidrosis - generalized and focal. Neither is contagious.
In generalized hyperhidrosis (also known as secondary hyperhidrosis), excessive sweating occurs over the entire body. It is often caused by a medical condition such as an infection, a chronic disease, or a disorder that disrupts the body's natural balance of hormones. It might also be caused by medications.

Focal hyperhidrosis (also known as primary hyperhidrosis) occurs on a specific part of the body including the armpits, soles of the feet, palms of hands, face, or other areas. Genetics play a role since many people with focal hyperhidrosis have other family members with the condition.

I never knew much about this condition until a few of my sister's were diagnosed with it. The palms of their hands and soles of their feet were what mostly bothered them - sweaty and peeling skin. It was a hard condition to ignore, because it is easy for others to observe your reddened, sweaty, peeling hands and wonder what is wrong with you.

The reason I bring it up today is because many people don't know there are treatments out there to help them. You can use oral or topical medications, surgical procedures or even botox for hyperhydrosis treatment.

If someone you know suffers from hyperhidrosis, share this information and let them know that there are treatment options!

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