Thursday, April 25, 2013

17 Foods That Aid in Fighting and Preventing Breast Cancer

Cara was compensated for this post.

 17 Foods that Aid in Fighting and Preventing Breast Cancer

According to a recent study the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), 1 out of every 8 women suffer from breast cancer before the age of 95 in the United States of America. Whereas genetics play a huge role in susceptibility of breast cancer, change in lifestyle and nutrition can also make you vulnerable to breast cancer.

As is the case with other forms of cancer, prevention is the key to treating breast cancer. Listed herein, are 17 foods which aid in fighting and preventing breast cancer.

1.       Turmeric
There is a study that was carried out on mice which suggest that turmeric can be essential in preventing breast cancer from spreading to other organs of the body, for example, lungs.
2.       Blueberries
In another study, it was discovered that phytochemicals which are present in blueberries can function in stopping the development and multiplication of triple-negative breast cancer. Unlike other forms of breast cancer, triple-negative breast cancer is hard to diagnose.
3.       Tomatoes
Tomatoes have high concentration of lycopene that is essential in minimizing the risks of developing breast cancer.
4.       Avocados
Avocados are excellent sources of oleic acid that is key to preventing the spread of breast cancer.
5.       Red Wine
In addition to helping with digestion, red wine can also help in curbing growth and spread of malignant cells responsible for breast cancer. Then again, taking more than 2 glasses of red wine makes you more vulnerable to breast cancer. Consequently, you need to take it in moderation.
On the other hand, there are studies which indicate that taking red wine minimizes the effects caused by radiation during the treatment of cancer. One of the findings discovered that an element found in red wine known as resveratrol causes malignant cells to be more probe to radiation therapy, while at the same time safeguarding healthy cells from damages caused by radiation.
6.       Brussels Sprout
Brussels sprouts alongside other cruciferous vegetables are potent cancer fighters thanks to the high concentrations of glucosinolates. In addition to getting rid of breast cancer, Brussels Sprout is also beneficial in eliminating other types of cancers.
7.       Pomegranate Juice
A study in Israel has revealed that taking pomegranate juice can aid in fighting malignant cells responsible for breast cancer without affecting healthy cells. Besides curbing formation of malignant tumors causing breast cancer, pomegranate juice is also helpful in preventing the formation of other cancerous cells.
8.       Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil is rich in lignans that is helpful in safeguarding against formation of breast cancer cells.
9.       Green Tea
There are a number of studies which have indicated that taking green tea can lower the odds of developing malignant cells causing breast cancer. On the other hand, green tea also aids in curbing the spread of cancerous cells in women who have already been diagnosed with breast cancer. This can be attributed to a compound commonly referred to as EGCG.
10.   Garlic
There are findings which indicate that garlic is helpful in getting rid of malignant cells causing breast cancer. The studies also went further to reveal that preparing meat with garlic can greatly aid in minimizing carcinogenic chemicals that have been linked to various forms of breast cancer.
11.   Broccoli
Broccoli comprises of a chemical known as indole-3-carbinol, which has been known to fight breast cancer by turning an estrogen that has been linked to various types of breast cancer into a form that helps in safeguarding against different types of cancer.
12.   Cauliflower
As is the case with broccoli, cauliflowers are excellent sources of indole-3-carbinol which is essential in fighting cancer.
13.   Spinach
In a study by a group of scientists in the UK, women who eat between 100 and 500 grams of spinach at least 2-3 times in a week are less prone to developing breast cancer.
14.   Grapefruit
A number of studies have also indicated that eating grapefruits can also aid in preventing the formation and spread of breast cancer.
15.   Dark Cherries
Findings involving rats discovered that an element in cherries can aid in fighting breast cancer.
16.   Kelp
In a study that was carried out by a professor at UC Berkeley, it was discovered that enriching your diet with kelp helps in lowering the amounts of serum in the blood, thereby minimizing your odds of suffering from breast cancer
17.   Artichokes
There are also studies which have discovered that the leaf extracts of artichokes can aid in reducing the spread of various types of cancer besides breast cancer.

The key to minimizing the odds of developing breast cancer and other forms of cancer like prostate cancer is leading a healthy lifestyle. Enrich your diet with organic foods and avoid vices like smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Whereas cancer can be prevented, you need to be proactive so as to minimize your risks. Read health related news and advices from time to time

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