Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Sky Beneath My Feet Book Review

This is how muddled with chaos my brain is - I have read this whole book, The Sky Beneath My Feet by Lisa Samson, and I never even realized until now that the title really makes no sense. Ha! Good thing that this book is a story of a woman like me and many of you who is caught up in all her responsibilites and finds she has lost herself. This book is a journey on her way through all the chaos to find clarity.
Beth, the main character and the woman I identified with immediately, is a busy pastor's wife juggling her many responsibilities. In the middle of taking care of everyone and everything around her, she has lost herself and thinks she is losing her husband as well...Read on for a little sneak peek.

Beth's husband won't be joining the family on vacation at the beach this year. He's not even joining them in the house. Instead, Rick has holed up alone in the backyard shed. Nobody knows exactly what he's up to. Maybe he's immersing himself in prayer. Maybe he's lost his mind. Maybe he's even the modern-day prophet or the saint the neighborhood artist imagines him to be. But while "St. Rick" waits for an epiphany, Beth will have to figure out what to do with herself and their teenage sons, possibly for the rest of her life.

What happens next is both uproarious and bittersweet: a peace march turns violent, her son is caught with drugs, and she embarks on an ambitious road trip that turns into something nearly surreal. Will Beth rediscover the idealistic woman she used to be, once upon a time? Can her marriage survive Rick's backyard vigil? Will anything ever be the same? And should it be?

This book was full of raw truths. I loved it so much because of that. People can go a little crazy. Children you think you have raised perfectly can end up in trouble. Marriages that look good can actually be in crisis.

The author, Lisa Samson, had such a witty sense of humor as she dove head first into deep issues through this family's struggles. I related right away to the main character, Beth, and there were times in the book that our lives were almost parallel. I loved following her journey and seeing how she waded through the sometimes murky, muddy waters that come in our lives.

It was extremely well written, had me hooked from beginning to end, and made a difference in the way I look at my life - all things that make a book fantastic! I highly recommend this book. You will get a kick out it, find yourself pondering, and walk away wanting to read it again

Find The Sky Beneath My Feet online at Thomas Nelson.

Cara received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. She was not required to write a positive review. The opinions she has expressed are her own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255


  1. This is a book I must read. Like many other women, I can certainly relate to her situation. We get so involved, we do lose ourselves. It is hard not to feel responsible for everything. It is hard sometimes to convince ourselves that even though we do the best we can to raise our children well, they have free will and as adults will do what they want. We may be disappointed, but shouldn't feel guilty. A lot of factors other than parenting affect what a person does with their life. We lay the foundation and hope for the best. As for marriage, it is a partnership that needs both parties' efforts to make it work.

    The title makes perfect sense. There have been many times over the years when things have been turned upside down. It can be hard to right your world and get your feet firmly planted again.

    1. Yes, life is a struggle. But, this book helps remind us what is really important!


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