Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Take Charge of Eating Tip #9

Today's tip might take a little extra work than if you didn't do it, but the rewards are great!

#9 - While eating out make be easier and quicker, cooking at home means taking charge of your food preparation. You add love and awareness to the basic ingredients, and you create a beautiful masterpiece that nourishes and blesses all those who partake. 

I didn't always like to cook. Baking desserts - yes, but making delicious healthy meals every night - no. However, I didn't want to sacrifice my family's health, so I have had to learn to cook at home. I now am happy to say I love doing it. There is nothing better than knowing exactly what it is you are eating and the satisfaction of knowing you created it! Try out a new recipe tonight and experience that joy all over again!

(If you missed my post about why or how we are doing this Take Charge of Eating challenge, check it out before you join us)


  1. So true. There's nothing like cooking at home. You can really taste the love in there that you can't find in any restaurant.

    1. Yup! Who knows what is really in restaurant food?

  2. I agree nothing tastes better then LOVE! I tell my husband when he compliments my cooking its make with love :)


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