Thursday, March 21, 2013

Funkins Napkins Review

It is officially Spring! Let's have a hooray for that! (now maybe we can get above 20 degrees next week in Minnesota)

Spring for me means new life, warmer temps, gardening, and Earth Day! You already know I am a huge fan of keeping the Earth healthy, and one of my favorite ways to be kind to the planet all year through is by using cloth napkins.

Using cloth napkins virtually takes no more effort than using paper napkins. Plus, you save money and you can get really cute patterns and colors like the ones I have found from Funkins!

Funkins are just what they sound like - Fun Napkins!! While they are made especially for kids, with their bright colors and fun patterns, I think adults will love them too!

My favorite patterns are the Animal Crackers, Dots, and Sports Fans, which you can see below.
 My kids are used to plain old "boring" mint green napkins that we have been using for several years, so there was a lot of excitement when I brought these Funkins out as a special surprise. They were so excited. My 2 year old daughter immediately wanted the monkey napkin to use first. She has it at her highchair ready to use at all times.
 My 4 year old son loved the sports napkins, which included hockey, soccer and basketball. And as strange as this may sound, I think these napkins got him really excited about sports, because he has been asking to practice his soccer and basketball skills ever since.

I love them because they are nice and big, their cute designs help to cover up any stains from messy fingers, and they help save a lot of trees!

Get in the Spring mood and surprise your children with some cool, fun eco-friendly napkins from Funkins! They have so many great styles and colors, you will want to buy them all!

Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.


  1. I have a wide selection of napkins. Many are plain ones that go with tablecloths I have. I do have some fun ones. When the children were young, I made tablecloths out of fabrics related to the time of the year. I made napkins to match. I still have them and use them.

    1. Great idea! I wish I had the gumption to make my own tablecloths and napkins.


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