Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Warm Traditions Hot Water Bottle Review

Brrrrrr...that is what half of my thoughts are here in Minnesota from November through April. I just happen to despise cold weather, which makes me LOVE Warm Tradition!

Have you ever used a hot water bottle? If not, you don't know what you are missing. Warm Tradition offers hot water bottles of every shape, size, texture and color to fit everyone's personality. Whether you use your hot water bottle for warmth, comfort, to ease an ache or to help you feel better when sick, you have got to check out their huge variety!
I chose the Teddy Bear Hot Water Bottle, because I knew my children would love it!
The Teddy Bear Hot Water Bottle is extra soft and fluffy, and made to accommodate a 1 liter thermoplastic Warm Tradition hot water bottle. 
 Warm Tradition TEDDY BEAR Hot Water Bottle - Bottle made in Germany
My children just went ga-ga when they saw this cute bear. Then, when they found out all you can use it for, they really fell in love. It helps keep you warm at night, helps tummy aches, cramps & muscle aches, and helps them warm up after playing outside in the snow. Plus, if they ever complain of growing pains, they love to put the bear on the "owie" to help out.

You can find all types of animals and other fun children's hot water bottles on their website. Also check out their animal prints, which I just love! Stay warm this winter with Warm Tradition!

Cara was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.


    1. They have a delightful selection. It would be easy to find one for any one on your gift list. I love the Heart shaped ones as well as the teddy bear.

    2. I love using my hot water bottle, but it's not very fun or interesting. The Heart Shaped Hot Water Bottle with Matching Socks would make an awesome Valentine's gift for this mama who's always cold!

    3. I love mine too! It's really cool that they have a bigger selection as well!


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