Monday, February 4, 2013

Unglued Devotional Review

Ughhh. It is Monday morning. Mondays for me mean the start of a week with my three kids, lots of chaos, lots of work and not much else of a life for me. Now, while I do indeed love my life and my family, sometimes the stress of that all gets to me.

When I got the opportunity to receive and read Lysa TerKeurst's new devotional, Unglued, I was over the moon excited! I had heard about this book on the Christian radio station I listen to, and I had even heard an interview with Lysa. She sounded so down-to-earth, and her book sounded exactly like what I needed to keep me calm, patient and loving with my family! This book has been just that - perfect for helping me in my daily struggles to be a great, loving, Christian woman.

This companion devotional to the bestselling book Unglued provides encouragement to help readers handle emotional struggles. Including a daily opening Scripture, Thought for the Day, devotion, and closing prayer, this book helps readers begin a 60-day journey in learning to positively process raw emotions, such as fear, anger, and regret.

I have so thoroughly enjoyed reading this book as my daily devotional. I have learned great lessons, and I love the way Lysa talks from a very honest place. I feel like she really relates to exactly what I am feeling, and her words have had a huge impact on my life! In fact, I look forward to reading my daily devotion, and sometimes I even read two, because they are so meaningful and impactful.

I highly recommend this book for all women! It will help you make positive changes in your life and help remind you of God's grace in those rough moments of everyday life!

Find Unglued online at Zondervan.

Cara received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. She was not required to write a positive review. The opinions she has expressed are her own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

1 comment:

  1. I have a daughter that will appreciate this book. The other one needs it, but aside from having no time for it, probably wouldn't read it anyway. To each his/her own. We each deal with our lives and its up and downs in our own way.


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