Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rachel and the Treeschoolers Review

My kids love music, learning, and watching other kids interact. Most preschool kids also love to learn through videos. While I am not an advocate for much TV watching for children, I think that the value of a well-done program can be huge in a child's learning journey.

One video program that makes preschool learning fun and easy is Rachel and the TreeSchoolers with Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman and her young TreeSchooler friends! Based on a comprehensive curriculum, TreeSchoolers videos engage children in learning through music, movement and fun! Charming characters like Abacus Finch, Isaac Newt, Chroma Chameleon and others will help your child learn important preschool concepts and character-building values.

We received Episode 1: A Rainy Day where rain interrupts the TreeSchooler’s plans to play outside. The program came with a 30 minute DVD and also a CD featuring the songs taught on the DVD. This episode showed how lightning and thunder scare Abacus Finch. However, Rachel and the TreeSchoolers show Abacus that understanding something can make it less scary. This episode teaches weather concepts, problem solving, rhyming, sign language, classification, storytelling, persistence, kindness, and courage.

My kids loved watching this episode and singing along to all the fun songs! They also learned several ASL signs for common weather words such as: sun, rain, thunder, and lightning. I was most impressed that even after the show, they retained the knowledge of the signs, facts about weather and some of the words to the songs that they were taught in this episode.

I also loved using their free"Rainy Day" Activity Guide, which includes fun and easy activities for at home or in the classroom. This PDF guide includes a full set of printable resources, including a My Rainy Day book template, character cards, word cards, song lyrics and fun certificate. You can also Get the Activity Guide now.

This is a great program to use with preschool age children. I will be on the lookout for more episodes!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. These sound wonderful. They are perfect for our granddaughter. She is learning ASL in pre-school. She loves music and dancing. I am a firm believer in an integrated curriculum and this sounds like it does a good jobs of overlapping.

  2. I've never heard of Rachel and the Treeschoolers, but it sounds excellent! I am sort of tone deaf, but I hope that my kids will grow up to be more musically-inclined!


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