Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Whole30 Challenge - Day 29 and Skillet Pizza Recipe

Now that I am almost done with my Whole30 challenge, I am actually a little...nervous and scared.

Yes, sure I am excited to have some chocolate. But, as I was thinking about it the other day, I was a little nervous about how my eating patterns may change after this is over. I don't want to go back to eating processed foods like crackers, chips, and sweet treats.

While I've been on the Whole30, I have not even given myself the option of eating junk food. There is no chocolate in the house. There are no snack crackers. I am not going to even think about opening that bottle of wine. But, when the Whole30 is over, that NO-WAY zone is my head is now an IF-YOU-WANT zone. And that scares me. Any thoughts, you guys and gals?

In the meantime, here is a great pizza alternative. While we used to have pizza Friday's, I think we will now have Skillet Pizza Fridays. My 4 year old son said this was the best meal ever! So, that is a great recommendation. Enjoy, and have fun mixing it up!

Skillet Pizza

You will need:
1 lb ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1 lb mushrooms, chopped
1 jar crushed or chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp garlic powder
4 huge handfulls baby spinach
salt and pepper
1 tbsp Italian Seasoning
fresh basil

*Feel free to add in olives or other veggies and toppings you like on your pizza.

Cook beef, onions and mushrooms until cooked through. Add in Italian seasoning, garlic powder, and salt and pepper. Stir in baby spinach, basil and tomatoes. Serve nice and hot!


  1. Congratulations, one more day! You never have to go back to the bad eating habits, but don't feel guilty about indulging once in a while. ks

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello, yeah I like your post. I like your recipe. Your post tell us good knowledge about how can we make skillet Pizza. Yeah I will follow this recipe and hope will get delicious dish.
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  4. My toddler loves pizza, but I'm trying to cut down/out the wheat in her diet. We need to make this!


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