Monday, September 3, 2012

Dawn Publications New Fall Books Review

In my house, reading books is the highlight of my kids' days. They love reading books, and I think they could probably read (or be read to) all day long. In fact, one of my son's favorite books is the encyclopedia. How funny is that?

One of their other favorite topics to read about is animals. Dawn Publications always publishes the coolest, most educational books about nature, wildlife and more. This fall, they have released two new books that are absolutely fantastic!  

Granny'sClan: ATale of Wild Orcas by Dr. Sally Hodson and illustrated by Ann Jones

Just imagine—you are a young orca whale. Your special friends are two cousins and your 100 year-old great grandmother, the clan leader. You learn to play with them, face danger with them, hunt with them—and even go people-watching with them! Based on actual orca, or killer whale, research, this book combines science with the real story of how family, friendship, and a grandmother’s love are helping this magnificent but endangered orca clan to survive.
This book is a great look at a real pod of whales and all the adventures they go through - like the birth of this sweet little baby above. See how the baby's dorsal fin is still curved from its passage through the birth canal? Isn't that so cool? This picture was taken at the beginning of August, 2012.

At the end of this fascinating book, there are a couple pages that go more in depth about this whale family and talk about interesting whale facts, including how they speak, what they eat, and all about babies. My 4 year old son is in love with this book and has really enjoyed learning about this true story!

Nature'sPatchwork Quilt: Understanding Habitats by Mary Miche’ and illustrated by Consie Powell

Just imagine all of nature—mountains, prairies, oceans, and all—lying on your bed as a patchwork quilt! Take flora and fauna in their unique habitats, fold them up and you have a book, this book. Earth’s major habitats are spread before you, ready to be examined. Here in this beautiful package are revealed the key concepts of natural science. This patchwork quilt of nature covers the whole Earth, your home—yours to learn about, to enjoy, to care for, and to love.

This is a great book teaching children about different habitats, animals, science terms, and how we can take care of them all in a responsible way. At the end of the book, they list other resources, activities and concepts you can use to take learning about habitats to a new level. When you go to, you can find all sorts of fun activities to go with the book. Since my son loves "I Spy," we did one of the activities they suggested of finding the hidden kids throughout the book and had a blast with it!

Get your child excited about learning and going back to school with these books! Both books are available right from Dawn Publications website at 25% off right now! Enjoy!

*Cara was provided products to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.*

1 comment:

  1. These were one of my favorite types of books to buy for both my children and to order for the library when I was a children's librarian. The bring the natural world to children in a way they can understand and relate to.
    Thanks for the heads up on these books.


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