Advertise With Us!

As a fast growing site, we would love to help spread the word about your business! If you are interested in advertising on our site, please contact me at cara dot nitz at gmail dot com. I would be more than happy to share our media kit and work with your needs.

Ad prices at this time are as follows:

125×125 Button Advertisement:

The 125×125 button appears on every page on the Sidebar. Pricing is $20 per month per button. The button is subject to preapproval.

3 months - $40 for 125 x 125

6 months - $70 for 125 x 125

1 year - $110 for 125 x 125
Premium Ad Sponsorship:

Ads are also available that will appear on the top of every page in the top right corner (the only ad on that side of the page so it is the first thing people see!!). Pricing starts at $30 per month. The ad is subject to preapproval.

I am also open to other advertising options.

I genuinely look forward to working with you and thank you for this opportunity! Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any other way.

Cara Nitz