So, here we go!
In my life this week...
This week has been very wonderful, because my husband had his long weekend, and we really needed some family time! We took the kids to the Mall of America to play in Legoland and do a little window shopping. They also had fun looking through the Disney store.
We are so enjoying the Spring birds' songs, even though we got dumped on by another snow storm yesterday.
I am really looking forward to getting ducks in a couple weeks. We are planning on get 6 Khaki Campbell ducks - great egg layers and fun pets. I can't wait to teach our children how to care for them and help them see where their food comes from - we eat a lot of eggs!!
I am inspired by...
authentic people - those who aren't afraid to share their hurts and day to day struggles, those who are comfortable in their own skin, those who you let you in their front door in their pajamas, those who don't pretend to be perfect....
My favorite thing this week was...
Having my husband home!!! During his long weekend, we were able to get to know each other again, and it was fantastic!
What's working/not working for me...
Working - using more healthy spices to add flavor to our food and a big nutrient punch to our diets. I am loving sneaking them in to almost everything I cook!
Not working - I know I am getting caught up in my perfectionist thinking again big time, especially with my husband. Why I think I need to hold him to the same standard I unfairly hold myself to is a mystery to me. I need to let him be...Working on it...
Questions/thoughts I have...
Family is a priceless gift. Don't ever lose hold of your family members. Don't let go of them and don't let them back away from you.
I'm reading...
Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford is a great book that I use daily to help keep me focused on what is really important in life, Encouragement for Today Devotional by Proverbs 31 Team, and for fun I am reading Lynn Austin's A Woman's Place
I'm cooking...
Salmon Salad, homemade Paleo Mayo for the first time, Italian Crockpot Chicken, lots of veggies and lots of eggs
I'm grateful for...
the first day of Spring, chocolate treats, appreciation, my son holding my daughter's hand, sleeping children, cute moments caught on my camera, time with the whole family
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
I don't know how or why this makes sense to me, but it does...
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