I don't know about you, but what scares me about Halloween is all the junk food, sugar, and chemical ingredients that are consumed by everyone, especially small children!
to estimates by the U.S Census Bureau, the average American consumes
almost 26 pounds of candy each year, a large percentage of it around
Halloween. Now that is frightening to think about!
This year, why not switch out some of those junk foods full of fake ingredients, overloaded with sugar and fat? I have three really great options to switch your treats to this year! And your children and family won't even know the difference, but their bodies will certainly thank you!

Buy them online or find them at Whole Foods Markets.
Next up, I am delighted to introduce you to UNREAL candies. Created by a candy loving, 15 year old boy upset by his parents when he awoke to find they had confiscated half of his Halloween loot a couple of years ago, UNREAL is a new, healthier kind of candy that delivers less sugar, more protein and more fiber. I love the story behind this brand! You have to read it and be inspired! Unlike typical candy bars, UNREAL candies can proudly claim:
· No hydrogenated oil
· No artificial flavors
· No GMO’s
· Responsibly sourced ingredients, including:
o Traceable cacao beans from Ghanaand Ecuador
o 100% sustainable and organic Palm Kernel Oil sourced from a sustainable and organic plantation in Brazil
o Dairy from free-range cows pasture raised without antibiotics or added hormones
o All natural origin colors, coming from plants like beets, red cabbage, etc.
o 30% less sugar, 60% more protein and 250% more fiber
There are five varieties of UNREAL candies:
UNREAL™ 41: Candy Coated Chocolates, UNREAL™ 54:Candy Coated Chocolates with Peanuts, UNREAL™ 5:Chocolate Caramel Nougat Bar, UNREAL™ 8: Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat Bar, and UNREAL™ 77: Peanut Butter Cups. I have rarely found a healthier version of Peanut Butter Cups that taste as good as the original, but these definitely delivered! I love their products, because they don't sacrifice taste, just the icky ingredients.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you can find UNREAL candies right around the corner at stores near you and at the same price as typical candy bars!! I told my husband to remember that CVS, Kroger, Staples carry these yummy treats, so he can be sure to head there when searching for a "treat" for me. You'll love that they even have family-sized bags, perfect for the trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood!
I thought I died and gone to heaven when I bit into my first Lily's bar. It was the creamiest, most melt-in-your-mouth, dark chocolate bar I had ever tasted. Plus, I love that every single bite is full of your choice of crispy rice, almonds, or coconut. Each flavor, even the original, is decadent and perfect for every chocolate lover! You can find these bars at Whole Foods Markets and other retailers near you.
Plus, thanks to Lily's, we are giving away (4) Lily's chocolate bars - one of each flavor - to (2) different winners!Enter to win below.
a Rafflecopter giveawayCara was provided products to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% her own.
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