Monday, January 28, 2013

Get Rid of the Chaos In Your LIfe!

Organize and Declutter your life with
No doubt, work gobbles up the lion's share of time on your calendar.  And the added pressures the American Worker is feeling according to TNS Research isn't helping...

-- 48% are required to do more work with fewer resources
-- 39% are doing the work of two people because of cutbacks
-- 47% have difficulty taking time off from work
-- 30% feel the need to stay connected 24/7
-- 23% of workers say they are dissatisfied with their
work/life balance, up from 18% in 2008.
-- 19% are hoping to leave current jobs for a new one.

And 70% of employees work beyond scheduled time and on weekends; more than half cited "self-imposed pressure" as the reason.

So how can you start taming this beast?

While your work may be the hardest part of your calendar to get control of, focus on releasing these other pressure valves on your calendar to keep chaos from blowing up your life.

1) Accept that you can do anything...but you can't do everything.

Your to-do list is literally a reflection of who you are choosing to be on any given day. Does yours look like who you want to be? Or are you spending too much time on things that don't matter or
running yourself ragged on someone else's behalf.

Getting clear on your true priorities is the foundation of calendar sanity. The best way to do this is to spend five minutes at the start of each day to jot down a "Nothing Else" list of 3 things - and if
nothing else gets crossed off your list but those 3 things, you will have done what truly matters.

2) Grab a pen and paper and write down a plan for the week ahead.

It will help you to turn down the “noise” and the stress that tends to accompany a full life. Just be sure you don't confuse a weekly plan with a laundry list of to-do’s. They are NOT the same thing. Identify your true priorities from that long laundry list, and then schedule the work steps required to cross them off your list into your calendar for the week ahead.

3) Ask for help.

You shouldn't be folding the laundry by yourself while your spouse and kids are lounging around watching TV. The fastest way to get more done in a day is to find ways to ask others to lend a hand - whether it's a member of your family, a roommate, or even an outsourced assistant or "Task Rabbit."

If you are tired of chaos ruling your life and would like tools and systems and accountability partners to help you kick chaos to the curb, then I invite you sign up for Kick Start Your YearBootcamp now. Organize and Declutter your life with

Because there's no quicker or easier way for you to finally declutter your home, tame your calendar, tackle your bucket list and get your life back in as little as 30 days with...
... A clear get-organized roadmap with bite-sized action steps
 ... Daily emails with links, reminders and check-ins
... Empowering downloadable worksheets and tools
 ... Real Accountability,from a REAL live lady who's rooting you on
... Road-tested strategies, tips, articles and inspiration
... Group interaction to boost your energy and commitment
... Live webinars with Q&A sessions to get immediate feedback

And until midnight on Thursday Jan 31st, you can reserve your spot. If you know chaos is cluttering your home, calendar and life then here's the match you've been waiting for to light a fire under your butt to finally do something about it...

Don't forget about our giveaway for a free spot in this Boot Camp!! The giveaway ends tomorrow, so enter today!

Thanks to Sarah Welch, Chief Dreamer at Buttoned Up, Inc for her guest post.


  1. This describes so many people. My daughter is putting in 60+ hour weeks and it still isn't enough. She has a 19 month old and a husband with health issues. It really is getting to be too much, but she can't afford to not have this job. Her second in command gave notice last week she is leaving - the 60+ hour weeks finally got to her. Unfortunately the college president seems to be either clueless or he just doesn't care. Another insult is the pay doesn't even remotely reflect the work these college employees are doing.
    I don't work anymore, but clutter and disorganization has taken over my life. I am taking the suggestions above and will try to get a handle on things.

    1. I really feel for your daughter. That is just a tough spot to be in. I will keep her in my prayers, and I hope you are able to start getting organized in your life too!

  2. Those stats are insane. Thank goodness my job is union and hourly, and my bosses are very strict about not going against those guidelines. We have strict 8hr days, but we do have trouble taking time off. And they recently fired two members of my team (which was originally supposed to have 2 more than we started with), so 6 of us are now doing the work that 10 were originally supposed to do. It is tough, but again we all need our jobs. It is sad, really, that the workforce has come to this.

    1. How sad! I guess we just have to try to see the positives in these kind of situations.


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